Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Jake Little, Eagle Hero!

The first week of October, during her third period class, teacher of Spanish, Maria Pastorini, was in the middle of instruction when she found herself unable to breathe. ECMS student, Jake Little, saw that his teacher was choking. His Boy Scout training kicked into gear.   

Ms. Pastorini reports, "Jake jumped to my aid, like he had springs in his shoes!"  Jake performed the Heimlich maneuver several times until Ms. Pastorini began to breathe. Ms. Pastorini believes that it was her great fortune to have Jake in her class during this frightening episode. "This happened to me when Jake was present and because he is a Boy Scout, he has the training. Jake truly saved my life. I am grateful to him."

ECMS honored Jake at the Student of the Quarter assembly.  We are very proud of his heroism. Thankfully, Ms. Pastorini has made a full recovery.

NOTE:  The Heimlich maneuver is an emergency technique for preventing suffocation when a person's airway (windpipe) becomes blocked by a piece of food or other object. See the NIH website's info by clicking on this link: HEIMLICH MANEUVER

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